If you’ve been around for a while, you may remember this post about sandcastle stories and how to host an indoor beach party. Today, I’m here to bring you another (less sandy) idea for some summer fun.
This activity is perfect for a rainy day or when you just need a change of pace!
What do I need?
- How to Code a Sandcastle by Josh Funk and Sarah Palacios
- (Optional) A computer or iPad
- Hour of Code website: https://hourofcode.com/us/learn
What do I do?
- Show students the cover of How to Code a Sandcastle and ask: “What do you think this book will be about? Why do you think that?”
- Point to the word code. Ask: “What do you think it means to code?” After students suggest a few meanings, say: “Today, we’re going to see how one girl codes a sandcastle. Then, we’ll get to try coding ourselves!”
- Read How to Code a Sandcastle. After reading ask: “What do you think it means to code now? Did your definition change?”
- Do an “Hour of Code!” Try one of the activities on the Hour of Code website (There are activities that can be done with a computer, iPad, or “unplugged.”). *Note: Young kids may need help getting started, but Hour of Code has a wide range of activities geared toward different age groups.
- After coding ask: “What was easy? What was hard? Were there any parts you had to try multiple times before you found a solution? Tell me about it!”
What else could I do?
Here’s one last possibility you can try at the beach (or in your sandbox)!
- Come up with your own “code” or system for mass producing sandcastles. Try to make 10…or 20 for a challenge! How did having a system with steps you repeat over and over again help you?
Your turn! Get out there and code! Then tell me which challenge you tried!
P.S. Celebrate life!